Orthophotos and Oblique Photos
- Orthophotos of airfields in Oristano
- Orthophoto of a highway junction
- Orthophoto of a highway viaduct
- Detail of an orthophoto of a highway section
- Detail of an orthophoto of a railway section
- Orthophoto with trellis of power lines
- Detail of an orthophoto of the historical centre of Potenza
- Orthophoto of Basento River
- Detail of an orthophoto of Alghero coast
- Detail of an orthophoto of Alghero
- Orthophoto of Santa Maria di Leuca coast
- Orthophoto of Gargano coast
- Orthophoto of a coastal section of Puglia
- Aerial oblique photo of a coastal section of Puglia
- Colour InfraRed orthophoto of a rural area
Digital Cartography
- Digital cartography of a highway junction
- Digital cartography of a highway junction
- Volumetric and vectorial 3D model on orthophoto
- Vectorial cartography on orthophoto
- Planimetry of a power line
- Digital cartography of a power line
- Longitudinal profile of a power line
- Outlook of the power line vectorization
- Stereoscopic rendering of a highway section
- Vectorial cartography of a highway section
- Digital cartography of a highway section
- 3D model of a highway section
- Tridimensional rendering of a highway section
- Vectorial cartography on a 3D model of a highway section
- 3D outlook of a highway section
Satellite Data
- ASTER satellite image (2001) of the town of Slatina, Romania
- ASTER satellite image (2006) of the town of Sibiu, Romania
- ASTER satellite image (2003) of the Arges District, Romania
- ASTER satellite image (2004) of the Arges District, Romania
- ASTER satellite image (2003) of the town of Ramnicu Valcea, Romania
- ASTER satellite image (2001) of Monte Cotugno Lake, Basilicata
- ASTER satellite image (2001) of the town of Potenza, Basilicata
- ASTER satellite image (2001) of the town of Potenza, Basilicata
- IKONOS satellite image (2000) of the town of Potenza, Basilicata
- IKONOS satellite image (2000) of Pertusillo Dam, Basilicata
- IKONOS satellite image (2000) of Monticchio Lakes, Basilicata
- LANDSAT satellite image (2001) of Scalea coast
- LANDSAT satellite image with CIR band composition (2001) of the coast of Scalea
- SPOT satellite image panchromatic SPOT (1998) of Metaponto coast
- Analysis of SAR ERS2 satellite data (2002) with covering of Etna
- Analysis of SAR ERS2 satellite data (2009) with covering of the town of Palermo
- Analysis of SAR ERS2 satellite data (2010) with covering of the town of Bari
- Movement speed map of the city of Rome coming from the analysis of SAR COSMO-SkyMed data (2012)
Thermal imaging
- Aerial thermal image of a rural area
- Thermal image of a coastal section
- Thermal image and RGB of a coastal section
- Thermal and in the visible image of a coastal section
- Thermal and in the visible image of a road bridge
- Thermal image of a military area
- Thermal image of a power line
- Thermal image of a volcano
- Software for thermal images processing
Hyperspectral imaging
- VNIR aerial spectral image with CIR band composition
- VNIR aerial spectral image with RGB band composition
- Biotope chart derived from hyperspectral data
- NDVI chart derived from hyperspectral data
- VNIR aerial hyperspectral image related to a coastal section
- Classification of a hyperspectral image related to a coastal section
- Analysis of the radiance based on SWIR hyperspectral data
- VNIR hyperspectral image with CIR and RGB band compositions
- DTM of an archeological area
- 3D vectorial model DSM and DTM of a river area
- DSM and DTM of a coastal section
- Orthophoto and DTM of a meandering area
- Identification of the slide mass on DTM
- DTM of an inhabited area being at risk of slides
- DSM and DTM of an area being at risk of slides
- DSM and DTM of a Sinni River section
- Hydraulic simulation on high resolution DTM
- 3D model with texture of aerial images of Stromboli
- DTM hillshade of the eruption craters of Stromboli
3D Models
- Volumetric 3D model of a urban centre
- Point cloud 3D model of a hospital
- Coloured point cloud 3D model with aerial images
- Detail of a point cloud 3D model of a urban area
- Point cloud 3D model of Piazza Prefettura in Potenza
- Laser Point cloud 3D of a historical street in Potenza
- Terrestrial 3D laser scanning of Piazza San Gerardo in Potenza
- 3D point cloud of historical buildings
- Coloured 3D quota point cloud of Torre Guevara in Potenza
- 3D point cloud with photographic texture of Torre Guevara in Potenza
- Detail of 3D point cloud with photographic texture
- 3D point cloud of a historical Roman bridge
- 3D point cloud of a historical Roman bridge
- 3D point cloud of a historical Roman bridge
- Point cloud with photographic texture of a Roman bridge
- Tridimensional reconstruction of Monte Serico Castle
- Outlook of the virtual model of Monte Serico Castle
- Poligon Mesh of the Throne Room of Museo di Melfi
- 3D Model of the Throne Room of Museo di Melfi
- 3D Point cloud with photographic texture of the archaeological excavations of Grumento
- 3D Point cloud with photographic texture of the archaeological excavations of Grumento
- Laser 3D point cloud of a railway
- Point cloud with photographic texture of a railway corridor
- Point cloud with photographic texture of a railway corridor
- 3D point cloud model with photographic texture of a coastal section
- Point cloud with photographic texture of a road corridor
- Colour 3D Model of Stromboli
Software e App
- GEOANALYZER software for the acquisition of georefferd images
- GEOVIEWER software for the simultaneous display of multi-source data
- SLIDE software for the analysis of movements by satellite data
- SLIDE software for the analysis of movements by satellite data
- Stereoscopic rendering of a highway corridor
- Stereoscopic rendering of a highway corridor
- Stereoscopic rendering of a highway corridor
- WebGIS of a river
- Overlapping of layers in a WebGIS for the management of hydrogeological risk
- Overlapping of layers in a WebGIS for the management of hydrogeological risk
- Overlapping of layers in a WebGIS for the management of hydrogeological risk
- Layer of GIS for the urban requalification of Campobasso
- Layer of GIS for the urban requalification of Campobasso
- Layer of GIS for the urban requalification of Campobasso
Geo-referred videos