The search for solutions guaranteeing the fruition of spatial information through increasingly accurate and realistic virtual realities through the identification of user-friendly software application, is currently one of the most innovative activities we have.
Cinema, gaming and cultural goods are the sectors which will take more advantage from the results of our experimentation. We aim in fact to investigate and optimize the techniques currently in use in the production process of Visual Effects and faithful digital reconstruction of the sites of interest, architectonic objects and buildings, so to get high quality results reducing the effort, both in terms of time and cost. In order to achieve this important objective, we started up the implementation of a research and development project that classified at the first place in the rankings for aids to investments for SMEs.
The digital metamorphosis that is affecting the cinematographic sector, is likely to result in the rewriting of rules and practices currently used giving to the movie post production and in particular to the digital visual effects, the leading role.
Today, thanks to the digital technologies, it is possible to recreate by the computer scenarios, situations, objects and people carefully detailed. Within the epochal evolution that is affecting the movie industry, we want to support the Italian cinema in the creation of a “smart cinema”, bare of sophisticated and expensive set completely rebuilt for each movie, through the digitalization of movie set and the optimization of the workflow necessary to the production of post-production visual effects. We want to contribute to the revolution of the Italian cinema, by being on the frontline through the creation of a new and original movie product.
Furthermore, the objective of this experimentation is to offer increasingly advanced tools to support more determined and better financed policies in the sectors of Entertainment Media and Cultural Goods (safeguard, management and promotion of the heritage) at European, National and Regional level.
The project was financed under the Public Notice "Aiuti agli investimenti in Ricerca e Sviluppo per le PMI della Città di Potenza" ("Aid for Investments in Research and Development for SMEs in the City of Potenza") with funds from the P.O. FESR Basilicata 2007/2013 Asse V "Sistemi urbani" Linea di Intervento V.1.2.B.
Time period: 2014 - 2015